Top Projects.

Signature Maker E-mail

Fully customizable email signature generator.

  • VueJs
  • Theme UI
  • GraphQL

Mail Massive

My first application in Vue. I wanted to learn Vue, so I created this app that sends bulk email.

  • ReactJS
  • Nodemailer
  • MongoDB
  • GraphQL
  • AWS


Vereda Educação system to management students and internal users to mouthly payment integration to Stone Gateway API, to create students and allocate classroom, distribution of teachers in classes, online secretary and grades.

  • Contentful
  • Gatsby
  • React
  • Emotion
  • GraphQL
  • Azure
  • Azure DevOps
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Prisma
  • Typescript
  • NodeJS
  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Gateway Api
  • Azure
  • React-Native


Remote study project aiming to be a study platform. It can be instantiated for each institution so that they can register their contents, videos, texts and documents for their respective students to access from wherever they are.

  • React
  • GraphGL
  • Material UI
  • Passport
  • Sql Server
  • Sequelize


FullStack Developer Senior

@DBC Company

May 2022 - Actualy

Software architect at PagNext (Santander Internal Company) responsible for risk and fraud prevention, creating microservice solutions for Argentina and Mexico, integrating with Brazil to ensure that internet banking is functional and performative.

  • Typescript
  • NodeJS
  • Mocha
  • MongoDB
  • API Gateway
  • React Typescript
  • Jest
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Azure DevOps
  • Azure pipelines
  • SonarQube
  • Service Orchestration
  • Gateway Payment
  • Jenkins
  • Rabbitmq

FullStack Developer


January 2018 — Actually

I opened a company to solve everyday problems and facilities in the use of Web and Mobile systems, with a focus on working with cutting edge technologies in the market. Using technologies such as Azure Cloud Services, Azure DevOps, Github, for content storage and app publishing, and the tools below for building apps:

  • Gatsby
  • ReactJS
  • React Native
  • NodeJS
  • Typescript
  • Electron
  • NestJS
  • Vue

FullStack Developer Senior

@Vereda Educação

January 2018 — May 2022

Developing applications of internal solutions for the management of the company with a distance learning portal, signature generator for email, api rest for data synchronization and a carometer for ratchet exit control.

  • VueJS
  • NodeJS
  • Typescript
  • Microservices
  • ReactJS
  • Azure Cloud Service
  • SQL Server
  • MongoDB
  • Sequelize
  • Docker

DevSecOps Senior

@Vereda Educação - Consultory

April 2019 — February 2021

I worked as a network and infrastructure administrator, managing local and virtual servers, building cutting-edge applications and using open-source tools for everyday focus.

  • Migration Gsuite to Office365
  • Administrator Active Directory on Premises
  • Administrator AzureAD and Office365
  • Jira
  • Azure Administrator
  • Azure Architec

Let's connect.

If you want to know more about me or my work, or if you would just like to say hello, send me a message. I'd love to hear from you.
© Rafael Torreson 2021. Todos os direitos reservados.